
Editorial Reviews…

“YOU CAN BEAT THE ODDS is a tested, inspirational ‘must’ for any health collection.”

—Midwest Book Review


“If you only read one health book this year, let this be the one.”

—Joan Borysenko, PhD, Harvard scientist, author of Minding the Body, Mending the Mind


“Whether one has an illness or simply wants to rev up one’s life, this informative book offers life-enhancing self-care techniques that will leave readers feeling empowered and resilient. This book, in and of itself, is a prescription for maximizing one’s health.”

—Anne Webster, PhD, Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Professor of Medicine, Albert Einstein Medical School


“Brenda Stockdale provides a superb and empowering series of strategies for those undergoing a journey through a cancer or chronic illness diagnosis. A MUST READ for anyone looking for ways to optimize treatment and quality of life.”

—Andrew L. Salner, MD FACR, Director, Helen & Harry Gray Cancer Center, Hartford Hospital


“Brenda Stockdale has taken the initial work of Carl Simonton, M.D. and Jeanne Achteberg to the next level of understanding and use for cancer patients. The clarity of explanation, scientific support, and completeness is remarkable In my opinion, this is the finest work presented on this critical subject of healing for cancer patients.”

—Ed Gilbert, MD, Radiation Oncologist and Medical Director of the Simonton Center for Cancer Patients


“This book offers its readers step-by-step instructions for self-administered interventions that deliver potent immune system therapy. Highly recommended.”

—Robert Krikorian, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Director, Cognitive Disorders Center, University of Cincinnati Academic Health Center


“This powerful and life-changing book offers scientifically-based and mind-blowing research about health and wellness as well as practical strategies for incorporating this knowledge into your everyday life. Whether you are challenged by a serious or chronic illness or you enjoy vibrant health and want to keep it that way, this book will open your eyes, touch your heart, and provide potent strategies for beating the odds. Read it now!”

—Kathleen Brehony, PhD, author of After the Darkest Hour


“This book offers the reader the chance to achieve their greatest potential. It is also a very practical resource for those who have inspiration, desire and intention, which with the guidance provided can lead them to achieve what the odds seem to be denying them.”

—Bernie Siegel, MD, author of Faith, Hope & Healing and Love, Medicine & Miracles


“This work offers tremendous insight into the lives of patients and their families dealing with life altering illness. I have seen this program turn a sense of an uphill uncertain battle to one that empowers individuals and their families to believe that their journey will be a fulfilling and uplifting one.”

—Gerry Goldklang, MD, Medical Oncologist, Georgia Cancer Specialists


“This is the best book I have come across on mind/body medicine in years. This is a go to book for anyone who wants to take command of their own life and especially those who are battling an illness. The power of positive intention is enormous and Brenda Stockdale clearly and brilliantly inculcates this into the reader. Highly recommended.”

—Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D., F.A.C.C., F.A.C.N.,C.S.N. and C.B.T., author of Heartbreak and Heart disease Cardiologist,


“This book is alive! Brenda Stockdale manages to combine reviews of cutting edge science with her rich experiences working with patients who manage to thrive in the face of overwhelming illnesses. It is fun to read and contains practices that anyone can use to benefit their health and quality of life.”

—Robert Anda, MD, MS, Co-Principal Investigator, Epidemiologist, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study


“My job to survey the many complex, mind-body relationships was rendered much easier by the important contribution of Stockdale (2009) review of resources and biblio-graphic references that complemented a very interesting, easy-to-read, vignette-chock-full account that combined humor and joy with serious scholarship in dealing with such severe disease as cancer. This book would be valuable to laypersons and well as to serious professionals in search of research-based information that is also fun to read.”

–Luciano L’Abate, PhD, Professor emeritus, Georgia State University


“In You Can Beat the Odds, Brenda Stockdale provides for patients and family members the quintessential guidebook and companion towards healthy living and wellness. This book is not about concepts. It is about YOU. By incorporating personal experiences as well as real life stories about patients and individuals, she makes clear and practical the complex and current advances in the fields of epigenetics and psychoneuroimmunology. It is not merely about how these advances and studies can help you. It is the instruction book for ensuring that they do. For patients facing very challenging and grim diagnoses as well as individuals looking to enhance their overall well-being, mindfulness, and quality of life, You Can Beat the Odds is the long awaited manual on how to benefit immediately from this groundbreaking work. Now that science has met traditional practice, this is the required reading for anyone interested in learning these skills while understanding the evidence behind them.”

—Chad A Levitt, MD, Board Certified Radiation Oncologist, Northside Hospital, Cumming, Georgia.


“As a primary care physician I have seen first-hand the tremendous effects of this program—from normalizing blood pressure and reversing insulin resistance and hyperglycemia, to improving adrenal function, chronic fatigue and other health problems. Patients reading this book not only become educated in the evidence behind behavioral medicine methods, they become inspired and empowered by scientifically based self-care strategies. As a result, it makes my day go by much better when seeing people who are able to be so proactive in their own healthcare. I recommend this book as a companion manual for better living, better health, and high-level wellness.”

—Michael G. Milton, MD, MD-H, Board Certified Family Physician


“As a mind-body practioner for over 20 years, I always wished that I had one book to give to my patients that said it ‘all’ in an easy to read format. It didn’t exist, but now it does. Brenda’s book is very enjoyable to read, and so specific that it can give readers a manual that they can use to feel empowered. In addition to helping those with chronic illness and cancer, it can also be utilized by those who are healthy, and want to stay that way. Her protocal can actually help people learn to use their minds to heal their bodies before serious illnesses can take hold. For the skeptics, the science is all there and it’s very compelling. For those already persuaded who want specific tools that they can use…they’re here. The stories of real patients are inspiring and can give hope to people who need it and hope is very powerful.”

–Janet Eggan, MA, Former Clinical Director of Advanced Neuroscience


Reader Reviews…

You Can Beat the Odds is my health bible…go…now…run out to buy it. It’s a life changer.”

–CT, Indiana

“It turned my life around almost immediately!”

–PK, Ohio

“This is my newest AH-HA book. I just love it. I have recommended it to so many people… Healthy and with dis-ease.”


“Loved your book You Can Beat The Odds. I am recovering from significant complications due to prostate cancer treatment. I have read about 25 books to date to help me deal with this. Your book has been the most beneficial of them all. I have made lots of note and highlights as I read it. Useful information on virtually every page. You have helped more than you can ever know.”

–LF, Ontario, Canada

“I just wanted to thank you again for these past six weeks of great, inspiring information. I have enjoyed reading your book tremendously.”

— JB, Georgia

“As I started reading You Can Beat The Odds, my heart began to pound with excitement! A dear friend of mine… calls it her ‘Bible,’ and I can see why. What amazing, amazing concepts! We are walking pharmacies! This book opens up a whole freaking Home Depot of tools that we possess NATURALLY within ourselves! AND IT’S ALL FREE STUFF! This is truly mind-blowing! To have the tools is awesome in and of itself, but this delightfully articulate and savvy author (she shares her own personal experiences with chronic illness) tells HOW to use these natural tools AND she offers undeniable proof along with a treasure chest full of case studies, references, and guides! I am floored! I am sooo pumped! Probably gets better on the 2nd or however many reads. This book will make you smile (witty author!). It will make you gasp with wonder. It will make your heart soar with renewed hope and inspiration to beat the odds! I am HOOKED and so will YOU be! It was recommended to me and I’m paying it forward! By the way, my friend is beating the odds, she’s doing FANTASTIC, and I’m so proud of her! : )”

— B. on Amazon

“Read this book! I have never before read a book that did so much to change my life. As a pancreatic cancer survivor, I have already lived more than a year longer than anyone thought I would at diagnosis. I give credit to a lot of people and tools, and this book is absolutely one of the top 3 reasons I still live and feel good. BUT it is also an excellent reference for anyone who wants to remain healthy, attain peace, and live to the fullest… I’m now on my second reading (going much faster, thank you). It is always by my side and is dog-eared and highlighted within an inch of its life. I’ve bought several copies for friends and family and recommended it to others extensively. I WON’T lend mine out! It is an important reference for me and I can’t let it out of my sight. The book includes a 6-week program of very simple, but powerful ‘exercises’… Read it! Keep it! If I can live and feel healthy enough to spend a week running around in New York City, after having been led to believe I’d only live for 2 months, then I guarantee it will do wonderful things for you.”

–E. on Amazon

“I’m a 46-year old woman who, since the age of about 17, has had serious health problems, apparently caused by fibromyalgia. I have always been personally involved in the process of managing my health and trying various therapies.. to get better…In any case, a few months ago, I took back control over my life and I hope, in time, to see my health progress systematically. In the meanwhile, I intend to use some of the techniques mentioned in your book (including the deep breathing exercises and writing cure) to better understand and process my feelings and to speed up the healing process. Thank you very much for making a very complicated topic very accessible to the chronically ill, who really need this information.”

–MD, South Africa

“Truly, Brenda’s book is incredible, and empowering as you go through difficult diagnoses. I found that it helped to focus me on what I could do to beat the odds. I loved that!”

–TH, Montana

“I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation to the Atlanta Writers’ Group and have read every page of your wonderful book… (I) came upon the Jon Kabat-Zinn program while participating in the Mayo Clinic fibromyalgia program. It has done wonders for me! Your book takes it several steps farther, and your guided imagery has been especially helpful.”

–CW, Georgia

“I bought your amazing book a couple of months ago. I haven’t been able to read it from start to finish, but I often pick it up, open to a random page, and start reading. Every time I do this I am fascinated by what I learn. Just now I read about finding metaphors for our symptoms, and about how our hidden beliefs can deeply impact our health and lives.”

–MF, South Carolina

“There are many different alternatives that hold much promise for people like myself. Nobody on the alternative web sties have developed the list of mind-body practices aimed at a Western mind – in the way which you have put them together. I think you have done a REMARKABLE services in pulling together so many factors!! I have spent 2 years getting my diet/detox etc. in order. Now… it is time for me to focus on the MIND/BODY issues.”

–KW, Georgia

“It is a synchronicity that I just happened to pick up your book at Barnes & Noble on Tuesday. I had no idea what a wealth of guidance and resource it would be to me. With love and gratitude…”


“I am 49 years old and March 2010 was diagnosed with a rare type of breast cancer…phyllodes sarcoma. Traditional medicine has only limited success with this sarcoma and as a result I have had a mastectomy (left breast) and currently am half way thru 28 sessions of radiation to prevent any residual cancer cells from reoccurance. That being said, I was shocked at the lack of mental and emotional preparation that the medical world had provided me for the traumatic diagnosis and decisions that came along with the diagnosis. So you can imagine how thrilled I was to have a guided step-by-step course of tools and real life experiences that really hit home, which is your book, You Can Beat The Odds. I have learned to relax (didn’t imagine that even the way I was breathing could make such difference) as well as the stress busting audios (now on my mp3 player) and together with proper rest and nutrition I’m really getting back to living and enjoying the process!”

–MN, Florida

“Had the pleasure of meeting you today at the clinic and was blown away. It was as if you were speaking just for me. You see, just in the past few weeks stress (and therefore health issues) have taken over my life 24/7. I really think I have been close to a meltdown of some sort… I didn’t know what to expect today, and came away having that ‘ah-ha’ moment. I couldn’t wait to get home tonight and pull up your website and listen to the autogenics. It was perfect! I am now relaxed and ready to sleep. I can’t wait to get your book and become enlightned, and learn more techniques. I think you are a Godsend at a crucial time in my life (and a blessing to so many others). THANK YOU!!”

–BE, Georgia

“Thank you so much for a great book (You Can Beat the Odds) which I have recommended to many people all ready. As a nurse I find the book useful in my practical work.”

–TT, Norway

“I love your book! I have shared it with many friends who bought copies for themselves. I am slowly reading and absorbing the contents. I believe it has already helped me. I have metabolic syndrome and am…also a nurse. I hope you are sharing pearls of wisdom on facebook.”


“I am so grateful to have been able to have spent time with you and get your input for this arduous march forward. Your book has been a constant resource on my journey.”


“I am so glad I have been to The Stockdale School of Healing because the book reinforces everything you’ve taught me…I am chewing on all the science and the flavor just keeps getting better and better…The book is so empowering!!! … Bringing your stuff to many who do not have the privilege to benefit from you personally…So very inspiring.”


“I received my book on Thursday evening when I got home from work. I have just finished ‘week two’ and I can hardly put it down. I have read some parts twice because it is so relevant to me. I know it will be life changing to anyone who reads it…You are a truly remarkable woman! Thanks for this book. I want everyone I love to read it. With Love…”


“Your book is lovely, I am so glad to have it.”


“I am impressed with the research you did for your book. I have enjoyed it tremendously.”


“I received the book, and am eagerly reading it. There is a lot in there for caregivers too, and just for anyone’s health in general.”


“Your examples are clear and inspirational and I can hear your voice. People and their current actions and problems show how much we all need more courage. Maybe we can all begin one petal at a time as on your cover….a new garden for us all.”


“I just got the book yesterday and though I have not read it from cover-to-cover, the sections that I have read are terrific. You got my story and my son’s story just right and I am happy that they have been told. I hope my persistence can be a lesson to others. Believe in your own instincts and don’t take no for an answer. Great job!!”


“Congratulations on a fabulous book! What a great resource for cancer patients and interested parties!”


“My motivation for wanting to share this majestic work is quite personal and heartfelt. For eight long years I suffered from the devastating effects of chronic Lyme disease. Largely through the use of the techniques described in the book, I have been able to reclaim the essence of my life. That’s a simple statement for the glorious process that occurred with the evolution of wholeness. YOU CAN BEAT THE ODDS, is imbued with hope for the suffering, and I think you will find the contents enlightening and profoundly useful. May you thrive in peace and joy.”


“I finished your book and wanted to let you know how much I loved it. It is wonderful. I gave one to my daughter and she is loving it as well. She said you do not need to have a serious illness to benefit and, of course, I agree. She is making her husband read it who is depressed because of no job. Your book can help. I know.”


“I read your fantastic book because I conduct journaling workshops with people with brain injury. Your words can inspire them, too! Your book offers so many good guidelines and ideas for being healthy, and much of it can apply to people with brain injury, too. Reading it is what inspired me to get in touch.”


“Positive thinking is something that gets stereotyped as ‘Pollyanna’ and ridiculed. Brenda Stockdale tells what it means to be truly a positive thinker in a way that boosts immune system functioning and makes warding off disease more likely, even cancer, even metastasized cancer. The book is filled with research that’s been ongoing since the ’50’s that demonstates over and over how important mental attitude is in combating and curing disease. There are some amazing and inspiring anecdotes that tell of individuals triumphing over even incurable cancer. But it’s not just remarkable research and stories. Brenda offers practical techniques to achieve stressless positive thinking and so provide potent weapons in the fight against illness. One important technique is fighting stress through belly breathing. Brenda suggests helpful aids that show when you are stressed: bio dots and small thermometers. Cold hands are one clue that stress is occurring; belly breathing actually drives stress down. You can tell as you breathe because your hands become warmer.I was fortunate to be able to attend Brenda’s seminar offered by my radiotherapy clinic, and bought her book so I’d not forget what I learned. It’s the kind of book that can’t be read in a few sittings, because it’s dense with information.”

–Barbara Simard

“If you or someone you know has a chronic illness, or if you simply want to be your optimal self, You Can Beat the Odds is a must-read. Patients, clients, caregivers, and healthcare workers from many disciplines can immediately use the wisdom in this book, but because of Stockdale’s accessible style, anyone would enjoy reading it. In these pages, Stockdale shares a six-week program that has had wonderful clinical success for over a decade of practice at the Georgia Cancer Treatment and Hemotology Center. Unlike most self-help books, where anecdote substitutes for research, You Can Beat the Odds is full of rich scientific evidence balanced with anecdotal applications, practical exercises, and caring advice from one who knows first-hand the challenges of chronic illnesses. In the book’s Foreword, Bernie Siegel recalls a patient who asked him ‘how to live between office visits,’ and explains Stockdale’s work helps us understand exactly that. I agree with Siegel and add that it provides a manual for how to live optimally well!”

–John Evans

“As a mind-body practioner for over 20 years, I always wished that I had one book to give to my patients that said it ‘all’ in an easy to read format. It didn’t exist, but now it does. Brenda’s book is very enjoyable to read, and so specific that it can give readers a manual that they can use to feel empowered. In addition to helping those with chronic illness and cancer, it can also be utilized by those who are healthy, and want to stay that way. Her protocal can actually help people learn to use their minds to heal their bodies before serious illnesses can take hold. For the skeptics, the science is all there and it’s very compelling. For those already persuaded who want specific tools that they can use…they’re here. The stories of real patients are inspiring and can give hope to people who need it and hope is very powerful.”

— Janet Eggen

“YOU CAN BEAT THE ODDS describes a skillfully crafted six week process for enhancing the potential to heal oneself through the understanding and use of the mind-body connection. The effectiveness of each technique used in the six week process is well documented with research findings. For years my friends, former colleagues, and I have read the authors who have theorized in the realm of mind-body healing; there is now available to the public in YOU CAN BEAT THE ODDS an effective process to use to put some of that theory into practice. There is a Resouce Guide as part of the book which is flush with opportunities to expand support and knowledge beyond the book itself. In addition an author’s web-site link is given. (That web site has free downloads which support facets of the book, links to other resources, and an opportunity to subscribe to a free related newsletter.) Overall, there is an abundance of information and resources artfully presented! This book has the potential to have a profound impact on our ability to understand and bring about human healing and could be a catalyst for positive growth and development in this field.”

-Carolyn Graham

“The original review was posted in December. On February 8th, several months later, some editing seems necessary; some points have come to the surface that beg for expression. After reading YOU CAN BEAT THE ODDS, I believed the content was critically important and gave more than a dozen books to friends or acquaintances. For the most part the motivation that prompted me was actually explosive excitement about the implications in the book related to DISEASE PREVENTION. Using the techniques described in the book could impact a person with no apparent health issues by equipping the body for endurance, enhancing one’s quality of life, and preventing the manifestation of disease. All of those amazing benefits can be accomplished by using the included, completely natural methods that are free. No toxins have to be ingested, the techniques are very portable, and they are predictable based on research findings. In my mind that’s a first class deal for the cost of one book!!!”

–Carolyn Graham

“Brenda Stockdale does a masterful job of weaving uplifting experiences of everyday people who ‘beat the odds’ with stunning scientific research, then incorporating practical steps that can be easily understood and applied in all areas of life. Brenda’s warm style will touch your heart and move you to make changes that will affect your health and your energy, encourage you to remove negative patterns and recall to mind things that bring joy. In our fast paced society, we’ve forgotten how truly important it is to laugh, play, connect with people – even breathe deeply! Everyone can benefit from the steps that Brenda outlines, by channeling stress into strength, using imagery to make your mind over (important with healing, as well as exercising, losing weight and achieving your highest potential!), using music and journaling as a part of building your immunity, and learning what positive thinking is really all about. This book is a must have… will read and refer to it often!”

–Patty Coury

“Brenda Stockdale’s book is a treasure chest for individuals who believe that taking personal responsibility for their health enhances the outcome. At this time the majority of Americans believe that our healthcare is totally in the hands of others–physicians, pharmaceutical companies, other health care professionals and to some extent the government or insurance companies. This book is for those who believe the best healthcare comes from a partnership of the individual and health professionals. Whether your primary concern is cancer, autoimmune disorders, cardio vascular disease, or many other health issues, this book can guide your path back to optimum wellness… The Resource Guide in the book lists over 60 books written by well credentialed MD’s, PhD’s, and other well qualified professionals. The notes that follow each chapter have over 300 references to studies, research findings and other data that support what she has advocated to groups, individuals and now in this book. Many people believe only in the ‘hard science’ that comes from doing double blind studies…Over the years, from the Old and New Testament of the Bible forward there have been writings that connect the mind to physical health. (“A Joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22″) Over time there has been a smattering of writings that relate to psychoneuroimmunology. Research and writing on this subject are increasing at an accelerating pace. Brenda Stockdale’s book is a great addition to this growing list of professional evidence that our mind (our thinking, emotions, habit patterns and life style,) is the major factor in maintaining or restoring optimum wellness. It is an excellent resource for anyone who believes that good healthcare starts with individual responsibility for one’s health.”

–James Halloway

“My job to survey the many complex, mind-body relationships was rendered much easier by the important contribution of Stockdale (2009) review of resources and biblio-graphic references that complemented a very interesting, easy-to-read, vignette-chock-full account that combined humor and joy with serious scholarship in dealing with such severe disease as cancer. This book would be valuable to laypersons and well as to serious professionals in search of research-based information that is also fun to read.”

–Luciano L’Abate

“This book is a treasure. Anyone who has an incurable condition or is genetically predisposed to certain health issues, should read this book that doesn’t make a lot of empty promises and backs up the recommendations with solid research. In her workshops, Stockdale works with patients who have been diagnosed with a variety of conditions, many if not most are terminal. And she has the courage to share stories that end in wonderful miracles but also a few that end as we all do-in death. It is this balance of hope and honesty that makes Stockdale’s book superior to many that offer a panacea rather than reality. Stockdale’s information is also deeply rooted in research and, after a quick skim of the footnotes, it is obvious that the resources she references are reliable, well-respected within the medical and psychological community. Unlike some other books, she is not framing her promises in self-serving resources. Instead, she is relentless in not only seeking out the best but putting it together in a manner that makes it meaningful… Anyone who is living under the cloud of genetics, knowing that a parent has a condition that can be handed down to future generations, will find suggestions to help live above and beyond what may or may not be inevitable. For those who are facing a diagnosis of a condition that is incurable and/or debilitating, the same ideas and principles can offer an improved quality of life. At the end of the book, Stockdale shares a story in which her step-son suggested a new title for her book: Stop Living Like You’re Already Dead: The Inspiring 6-Week Program That Helps You Liven Up. This is definitely a book that shouldn’t be judged by its title or cover or anything else because there is so much contained inside and no single image or title could possibly do it all justice. I’m not even sure this review is adequate.”

–Satia Renee

“I thoroughly enjoyed this book and plan to reread it many times. It has already had an incredibly positive impact on how I look at – and live – my life.”

–Mildred Nelson

You Can Beat the Odds is a must read for those that want a new direction in taking control of their own health! Everyday practical tips, information on how to live with a positive attitude, creating a soothing work environment (to get you through those stressful moments!) – these are just a few of the insights you’ll receive from Brenda Stockdale and her research/studies in positive thinking! Her real life cases are engaging and her simple strategies for life style changes/improvement are easy to understand – especially for those with no medical background! As the manager of a busy office, I will definitely be using many of her techniques and suggestions!”

–Cindy Bales

You Can Beat the Odds has taken my chronically fatigued loved one from exhausted to excellent. It’s power lies in its simplicity–the book is easy to read and the techniques are easy to do. Using our first and most basic skill, and then building upon it, we can all gain energy, clarity and strength. It has changed my life.”

– Eve Laments